Monday, March 10, 2014

C4T #2

These past couple of weeks I have been following Joey Feit's blog. I have been reading, commenting, and learning about his teaching strategies and what he does as an educator. His first post that I read was "How I teach: Mike Doyle". Joey made a blog post about his interview with Mike Doyle. I learned a lot from Mike because we share some of the same qualities. He goes the extra mile with his students just like I do with everything I put my attention too. He gave many useful tools that he uses like Google Handouts, iMovie, Twitter, and Google Forms. I enjoyed getting to know what about what he does with his classes and the advice he gave. Passion and going the extra mile changes students lives daily and it is teachers like him who make a difference.

The second blog post I read was that of an announcement for an open discussion with a very interesting topic. Anyone can join the discussion and if you do post to leave a comment, your name and information will be used in an scientific study (unless you let them know that you do not want your name mentioned). The link to the blog to the information is here. The topic link that gives the reasoning behind the open discussion is here. The topic is what can PE teachers do to engage girls in their lessons and also why are they not engaged. If everyone gives a little information and their thoughts, maybe experts can find a solution to what teachers can do to increase girls learning about physical education. Me, being an athletic girl, I do not understand why in general girls are not interested in being physically fit and healthy. I will be attending the discussion today (March 10, 2014) to get further information and possibly contribute to the discussion. Even though I am a Biology and Secondary Education major, it is still useful information for everyone so that they may education friends, co-workers, girl-friends, etc, about physical education.
Physical Education

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