Wednesday, February 12, 2014

C4K Summary for Month of February

This past week I was to read elementary age students blogs and comment on them. I read Sharkies by Adam. Adam skyped with a woman named Sharky Gillian. He was introduced to MANY new species and interesting facts about sharks. One interesting fact that he was seemed very interested in was that one reason sharks are killed is because of the use of their fins. People cook and like to eat fin soup. An interesting fact that he actually taught me was statistical. One hundred million sharks are killed yearly by humans; while five humans are killed yearly by sharks. I fell in love with his interest and care for the sharks. I am a Biology/Secondary Education major so we definitely share a lot in common! I hope he reads and takes my suggestion of watching the Discovery Channel during Shark Week because I know he will enjoy it just as much as I do!

This week I was to read Kyla's blog and post a comment on her page. Her page is very new; created on the 5th of February this year. She has posted a survey asking simple questions for her to get to know who is reading her page. I love the idea of that because she getting to know her followers on a more personal level. She asked questions such as: what is your favorite color?, which is your favorite animal?, etc. I think she is heading in a good direction with her blog and I am excited to see where she leads it! 

I had the opportunity to read two other students blogs these past couple of weeks. I was blown away by both students but in different ways. The first students blog I read was an elementary school boy names Hunter. He wrote about the book "Of Mice and Men". He used such vivid and detailed words to describe actions in the book and his opinions/feelings towards them. I became very proud of this student for his writing when I do not even know him. It just shows how well his teachers have been doing working with these students.  
Teams: Together Everyone Achieves More

The second students blog I read was of a 10th grade student named Jeff. I was also very blown away from this young mans blog. I do not know the assignment for the reason of him writing about such a topic, but his blog post topic was about sacrifice. He described sacrifice in many different ways such as: definition, his coaches definition, an ancient ritual to please god or gods, and also an example of a person dying for their country. The interesting information that he next provided made me realize sports has such an impact on children to help them benefit in life further. An athlete, myself included, is taught sacrifice at such an early age. An athlete gives up time, sleep, social life, sweat, studying, and much more just to improve their game. Even though sacrificing all of these assets are essential to be a successful athlete, the sacrifice for teammates is what it is all about. He challenged his readers for this week to sacrifice something that you value to help someone else. I embarked on this challenge and I look forward to seeing someone else smile and benefit for something I did for them. 

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