Friday, February 14, 2014

Blog Post #5

What do you learn from these conversations with Anthony Capp?
 This weeks assignment was to watch personal interviews with Mr. Strange, my EDM310 professor, and Anthony Capps, a former student of EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I became very intrigued after the first video of the interviews. Mr. Capps gives specific and detailed examples of how he applies certain topics into his classroom. He gave real-life examples on how to incorporate many different tools into his classroom which sparked my interest for my future students in my future classroom. Some of the different tools he spoke about were problem-based learning, iCurio, Discovery Ed, and general technology on how to use it in the classroom. 

He described problem-based learning close to my point of view on how I foresee it being used. He stated that when people think of problem-based learning, what comes to mind is doing a project at the end of a lesson or lecture to make sure the students understand and to achieve something. What it is shifting to is using problem-based learning as a learning tool to help the students learn AS THEIR LESSON. When teachers are given the content from the state, teachers have to create a problem-based learning atmosphere and lesson for the students to learn that content. Mr. Capps described it as in order for the students to finish the project, they must know the content. The key to achieving this goal is for the teachers to create a project that is interesting, fun, and knowledgeable, to engage the students for them to finish their work and learn!

Two other tools I learned about from listening to Mr. Capps interview is that of iCurio and Discovery Ed. iCurio is a way for students to safely search filtered websites for educational purposes. Students are allowed access to clean and appropriate text, audio, media, and images. The asset that caught my attention was that iCurio has a storage capacity, for students and teachers, so that they may save information and be able to come right back to it. Mr. Capps explained how Discovery Ed was very useful and beneficial for him because the website is supported through experts and information through text, video, images, etc. Teachers use it very frequently to bring text to life so that their lessons become more interesting and students engage more.

Technology is such a beneficial tool that helps people in their daily lives. Our world is now revolved around technology. Technology is at school, work, the gas station, grocery store, the bank, driving down the road, etc. So how do we as teachers incorporate the correct use of technology? In this video called Don't Teach Tech-Use It! Mr. Capps explains very effectively how to do so. We as teachers have to introduce technology smartly. When creating assignments, incorporate technology to DISCOVER instead of giving a list of directions that has to be done. Allow room for discovery and the students will pick up rather quickly!

This video, Strange Tips for New Teachers, was my favorite. It was quick and to the point explaining what a teachers job and life consist of. Here are some of the tips that was provided that I was drawn too: 1) be interested in learning yourself; we are to model students behavior, 2) even though teaching is hard work, it is very rewarding, therefore make it fun, 3) do not be committed to "this is what we will do today and that is how it is going to be" because plans may change and teachers have to be open for revising, and 4) create lessons that students will be able to share with friends, peers, or at home (they will be more apt to work harder). My goal for when I become an educator is to create a healthy dose of collaboration, purpose, competition, and pride in my classroom just like Mr. Capps does. I learned a huge amount of great information from the interviews and I am very thankful I was given the opportunity to access that beneficial information.


  1. I like how you gave detailed information on the videos you watch with Anthony Capps & Dr. Strange. You explained in full detail the things you learned and what was discussed in the videos. Great post.

  2. "Our world is now revolved around technology. Technology is at school, work, the gas station, grocery store, the bank, driving down the road, etc. So how do we as teachers incorporate the correct use of technology?" This is a great point to make! Technology used effectively in the classroom can be very beneficial for both the students and teachers.

    Overall, great job on this week's post.
