Watch this video 3 Rules To Spark Learning. What does Ramsey Musallam teach us about curiosity? What about confusion? What about questions?
Ramsey Musallam teaches us many different lessons in this video. From a personal stand point, he shows us how being strong and with a good attitude, one can come through anything. He was diagnosed with a threatening issue that required brain surgery. It was at this point in his life where he found his true meaning for teaching after 10 years in the profession. His doctor/surgeon was very confident in Ramsey's surgery but he could not understand how or even why. His doctor told him 3 important things, which were: 1) curiosity drove him to ask hard questions about what worked and what did not work, 2) he embraced trial and error, and 3) he reflected on the information gathered and revised to save his life during the surgery. This is where Ramsey took these 3 ideas and reflected on how they are used in the classroom. Curious students become interested students, which become questions asked by the students, which ends in students learning. He took this idea and created 3 rules for his classroom that he has used ever since. Rule #1: Curiosity comes first. Rule #2: Embrace the mess/trial and error. Rule #3: Practice reflection. He encourages us to be the surgeon of your own classroom.
Sheridan, wonderful blog post! I have never heard of those 3 steps before. It seems like a wonderful way to think about things and to aim for when teaching. Thank you for sharing!